Bee Propolis – Natural Immune Booster • One of the strongest natural antioxidants, making it a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-tumor agent, while also supporting immune function. • Used to strengthen the immune system and combat infections, including fungal skin infections, bacterial digestive infections, and viral illnesses such as cold, flu, and hepatitis. • Considered one of the oldest and best traditional anti-inflammatory remedies. • Topically applied for wound healing, burn treatment, ulcer care, and skin inflammations, as well as a natural oral antiseptic. Warnings Precautions & Warnings • Not to be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. • Avoid use if you have a bee propolis allergy or suffer from asthma.
Mix half a gram of propolis with a cold cup of fat-free milk or soy milk. • Sweeten with a small amount of fruit juice or honey, as desired. • Drink immediately. • Take once or twice daily before meals for 3 months. |